Fecal testing is important! It is very common for pets to become infected with intestinal parasites. Many pets do not show any symptoms of infection, and worms are not always evident in the stool. Intestinal worms can only be diagnosed with a microscopic examination of your pet's feces in a laboratory. Fecal screenings should be performed on all puppies and kittens at their first visit and then routine yearly testing.
Intestinal parasites are transmitted by the fecal material of infected animals, most commonly through soil. Puppies and kittens can also become infected with worms from the mother during pregnancy or from the mother’s milk while nursing. All new patients will be dewormed for the most common parasites, including hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. A fecal sample will be collected to test for additional parasites. If not treated, intestinal parasites can cause serious health problems such as weight loss, diarrhea, and anemia.
Countryside’s fecal parasite testing protocol yields at least 2 patients a day testing positive for hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, giardia, or coccidia.
Intestinal parasites are contagious to other pets and people. Make sure to pick up stool, wash your hands thoroughly, and don't walk barefoot or let children play in areas where pets defecate.
It is important to start all puppies and kittens on monthly prevention starting at 8 weeks of age to protect them from heartworms and intestinal parasites. Flea and tick preventions are also available depending on the individual needs and environmental exposure of your pet.